10 months, 1 week ago QPD
Demarco Smith, 19, Quincy for FTA Trespassing.
Cristian Pena, 21, TX for Resist Peace Officer and Criminal Trespass.
Daneeka Tasco, 31, Quincy for Fail to Yeild-Private Drive.
Barbara Duffy (66) Carthage, IL for failure to yield - left turn at 24th and Broadway.
Mark L. Jones (53) Quincy for Speeding at N. 12th & Watts Ln.
Charles A. Edwards (65) Rochester, IL for Speeding at N. 12th & Watts Ln.
Adam C. Snider (34) Quincy for Failure to Reduce Speed to Aviod an Accident at 24th & Locust.
Diane M. Little (42) Quincy for Operating Uninsured Motor Vehicle at 3034 Broadway.
Jade S. Evatt (26) Quincy for Failure to Reduce Speed, Expired Registration, and No Valid DL at 1800 Broadway.