3 weeks, 6 days ago QPD
Brandon J Cain, 28, Quincy for Trespassing at 635 Broadway.
Mark A Ell,62, St Charles, Mo. for Stealing at 5100 Broadway.
Bellamie L Frasier, 41, Quincy for Stealing at 5211 Broadway on 12/15/24.
Alicia R White (47) Quincy for Operating Motor Vehicle with suspended registration. NTA
Kyle D Passmore (34) Quincy for failure to yield right of way- intersection at 20th and Grove. NTA
Jazmin L Thomas (29) Quincy for Expired Registration,Operating Uninsured Vehicle and Improper Left Turn.
Kathy L Roland (53) Fowler IL for Operating Uninsured Vehicle, Suspended Registration and Driving While License Suspended.
William R Carter (27) Quincy for FTA Possession of Methamphetamine. Lodged
Charles W. Woollen (47) Quincy for Retail Theft Over $300/Priors at 5211 Broadway. Lodged