1 year, 4 months ago QPD
Mandi V Higgins (46) Quincy, reports the theft of her license plate from her 1997 Ford Mustang while it was parked at 1031 Vermont.
Zakery M Wittler, Quincy for Expired Registration at 12th & Broadway. PTC
Kelli A Patterson, Quincy for Expired Registration at 33rd & Broadway. PTC
Amber N Pryor, Quincy for Adams Co warrant for Retail Theft at 8th & York. Lodged
Brittany N Dever, Payson, IL for Expired Registration & Operating Uninsured Vehicle at 8th & Ohio. NTA
Justin Hyer, 41, Liberty, IL for Malicious Mischief at 432 N 7th on 5/13/23. NTA
Sarita D. Selmen (35), Quincy for Aggravated Battery and Criminal Trespass to Real Property at 600 Payson. Lodged