1 year, 5 months ago QPD
Kevin K Billingsley (32) Quincy for Possession of Methamphetamine at 5th and Broadway. Lodged
Jeffrey A Case for Operating Uninsured Vehicle, Driving While License Suspended, Suspended Registration & Expired Registration at 12th & Harrison. NTA
Darren L Stephens , Quincy for Suspended Registration & Operating Uninsured Vehicle at 6 & Kentucky. NTA
Tamera J Starks, Quincy for Suspended Registration & Driving While License Suspended at 8th & Jefferson. NTA
Nicholas A Keller (19) Quincy for Operating Uninsured Vehicle at 24th & Elm. NTA
Jeffrey A Case, 42, Quincy, for possession of methamphetamine less than 5 grams at 12th and Harrison. Lodged.
Elanda Neese, 47, Quincy, for outstanding Adams County warrant for Poss. Of Meth and a new charge of Obstructing ID. Lodged
Jeffrey Case, 42, Quincy, for FTA DWLS, Expired Registration, Operation of Vehicle with Suspended Registration and No Seatbelt. Lodged