1 month, 1 week ago QPD
Jaylin L. Raymond (21) Quincy for Malicious Mischief at 600 1/2 Elm. NTA
Richard D. Whitaker (53) Quincy for Stealing at 2511 Dennis Dr. NTA
Tarae Gates, 20, Haley Prewitt, 27, both of Qiuncy for Fighting.
Christian Tapia, 31, Quncy for Suspended Reg, Uninsured Vehicle, Obstructing Justice, and Resisting Arrest.
Rebecca Crane, 60, Quincy for Stealing.
Hunter R. Carter (23) Quincy for Improper Lane Usage at 10th and State. NTA
Amanda J. Holmes (45) Quincy for Domestic Battery at her residence. Lodged