1 week ago QPD
Amber Dunne (42) Quincy for fighting at 921 N. 12th.
Arnulfo Martinez (49) Quincy for Forgery at 2827 Broadway on 10-23-24.
Mathew Tourney (35) and Shaandra Lewis (37) both Quincy for fighting.
Rick Goodapple, Quincy reports while parked at his residence, his unlocked gold 2018 Chevrolet was entered on 10-23 and a GPS unit and knife were stolen.
Kimberly A Brown (19) Quincy for Possession of Liquor by a Minor at 906 Hampshire. NTA
Beverly R. Small (62) Gulfport MS for Speeding at Gardner Expressway and Jackson. NTA
Jacob L. Valencia (39) Quincy for Criminal Damage to Property at 117 North 7th. Lodged
Jordan Test (23) Jacksonville, IL for Expired Registration at 6th and Lind. NTA
Steven Phillips (25) Quincy for No Valid Registration at 25th and Broadway. NTA