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QPD Blotter for September 7, 2023

1 year ago QPD

Barbara Johnston, 53, Clayton, IL for Retail Theft. NTA  

Christina Passmore, 38, Coatsburg, IL for Shoplifting. NTA 

Jacqueline Mallory, 44, Quincy for FTA Domestic Battery and FTA Poss of Meth. Lodged  

Diego Cazares, 25, Green City, MO for DUI. NTA 

Richard Craven, 45, Quincy for Improper Driving. PTC

Roderick K. Seals (58) Quincy for Improper Backing at 36th and Columbus Rd. PTC  

Melinda K. Mitchell (35) Quincy for Expired Registration and Operating Vehicle with Suspended Registration at 6th and Monroe. NTA 

James A Hogsdon (32) Quincy on IDOC warrant Petetion to Revoke Parole at 10th & York. Lodged  

James A Hogsdon (32) Quincy for Possession of Methamphetamine, Obstructing Justice and Resisting at 10th & York. Lodged  

Jane N Hemphill (35) Quincy for Disregard Stop Sign, Expired Registration and Drivers License Expired More than a Year at 7th & Jefferson.  NTA 

Jane N Hemphill (35) Quincy for FTA Contempt at 7th & Jefferson. Lodged 

Mohammed A Ahmed reported that someone entered 610 Broadway and stole Vape Pens from the business. 

Charla Smith reported someone hit her 15 Chevrolet with a bottle while it was parked in the 800 block of S. 15th. 

STEP Arrests

Carl R Bartlett III (24) Quincy for Failure to Wear Seatbelt at 12th & Broadway. PTC 
Shawn M Meyer-Mowen (19) Pleasant Hill, Il for Failure to Wear Seatbelt at 12th & Broadway PTC 
Kristel M Bratten (42) Maywood Mo for Failure to Wear Seatbelt at 12th & Broadway. PTC 
Roger B Roberts (59) Green Castle Mo for Failure to Wear Seatbelt at 12th & Broadway. PTC 
Darren P Hultz (51) Maywood Mo for Failure to Wear Seatbelt & Operating Uninsured Vehicle at 12th & Broadway. NTA 
Diego R Roberts (19) Quincy for Speeding at 36th & East Lake Center. PTC  
Cray J Reagan (25) Quincy for Speeding at 36th & East Lake Center. PTC 

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