Joshua K Hickerson (21), Quincy for Operating Uninsured Motor Vehicle and Operating Motor Vehicle with…QPD
Camilla G Kapek (51) Quincy for Domestic Battery. Lodged Kenshay S Brown, 24, Richton Park IL, for…QPD
Dakota Jacks (29) Quincy for failure to yield at 14th and Vermont. Shawn D Steele (53) Quincy for Driving…QPD
Briana L. N. Kyle (37) St. Louis, MO for Stealing at 5100 Broadway. NTA Stephanie Gaither, 35, Quincy…QPD
Ryanna L. Kelly (27) Quincy for FTA-Possession of Meth at her residence. Lodged Ethan E. Moulton (26)…QPD
Irma Wright, 75, Quincy for FTA Stealing. Richard T Edlemon, 21, Quincy for DUI at 54th and Maine St.…QPD
Gracie F Sprinkle, 18, Quincy, for retail theft at 837 Jefferson. NTA Shane T Harrison, 49, Pittsfield…QPD
Carlos Albarran Paredes, 29, Quincy for DUI and No Valid DlL. Amy N. Miller (27) Quincy for FTA - Fighting.…QPD
James A. Long (74) Quincy for Improper Lane Usage at 8th and Broadway. NTA Danielle R. Waterkotte (29)…QPD
Dashawn Walker (19) Quincy for driving while license suspended at 13th and Broadway. Brenden Mastin…QPD
Charles H. Clatt (72) Monroe City MO for Disregard Traffic Control Device at 12th and Vermont. NTA Nicole…QPD
Zachary A Cogdal, 22, Quincy for Stealing at 5211 Broadway on 01/15/25. Timothy R Gorder, 43, Quincy…QPD
Marty A. Shriver (42) Quincy ,for Criminal Trespass at 530 Broadway. James M. McDougall (27) Quincy…QPD
Larissa M Roberts (31), Quincy for Domestic Battery. Lodged Tristen A Goode (22), Quincy for Improper…QPD
Cass Tasco, 34, Quincy for Trespassing. Teri Gibbons, 42, Quincy for Violation of Oder of Protection. Cody…QPD
Michelle L Danner, 59, Quincy for FTA Small Claims at 712 Washington. Cash Bond Marty Shriver, Quincy…QPD
Marty Shriver (42) Quincy for public indecency at 530 Broadway. NTA Jesus Johnson (20) Quincy for Violation…QPD
Charles W. Snyder (68) Quincy for Improper Lane Usage at 9th and Broadway. NTA Lori Sharp of Quincy,…QPD
Gail C. Bailey (51) Quincy for Driving Under the lnfluence - Alcohol and Stopping where Parking Prohibited…QPD
Ian P. Havermale (38) Quincy for Trespassing at 520 North 24th. NTA Heather M. Osborne (26) Quincy…