5 years, 3 months ago NASS
Temperatures last week averaged 50.3 degrees, 4.0 degrees below normal. Precipitation averaged 1.49 inches statewide, 0.81 inches above normal. There were 4.6 days suitable for fieldwork for the week ending Sunday. Topsoil moisture supply was rated 2 percent short, 86 percent adequate, and 12 percent surplus. Subsoil moisture supply was rated 3 percent short, 85 percent adequate, and 12 percent surplus.
Corn harvested for grain progressed to 64 percent, 25 percentage points behind last year.
Soybeans dropping leaves progressed to 93 percent, while soybean harvested progressed to 43 percent this week, 5 percentage points behind last year. Soybean condition was rated at 3 percent very poor, 10 percent poor, 29 percent fair, 52 percent good, and 6 percent excellent.
Cotton harvested progressed to 51 percent, 35 percentage points behind last year. Cotton condition was rated at 8 percent very poor, 12 percent poor, 52 percent fair, and 28 percent good.
Rice harvested progressed to 95 percent this week.
Winter wheat planted progressed to 43 percent this week, while winter wheat emerged progressed to 25 percent. Winter wheat condition was rated at 2 percent very poor, 8 percent poor, 47 percent fair, 41 percent good, and 2 percent excellent.