7 years, 4 months ago Mary Griffith
My husband, BearsFan, and I celebrated our fifth anniversary recently. One day later we attended the wedding of our nephew. What a difference in our paths to marriage!
BearsFan and I met in April 2011, got engaged in December, and married in September 29th, 2012. It is the first marriage for us. We'll never have kids, although we are old enough to have grandchildren.
Andrew and Erin started dating in 2007 when they were both 15. Ten years of courtship later, they married September 30th, 2017.
Andrew and Erin grew into adulthood together. They are poised on the edge of tomorrow with an exciting future full of mystery and adventure ahead of them. They couldn't believe it if I told them "You'll love each other even more in five years". They can't imagine a deeper love than the one they are in. It is coming. Their new home is full of empty spare bedrooms. I imagine at least one will have a crib in it five years from now.
BearsFan and I have converted our spare bedrooms into giant storage units full of stuff we do not need accumulated over a lifetime not spent with each other. We are secure in our love for each other. We are boring, but not bored. Our differences are annoying to each other, not charming. Our future is filled with increasing visits to doctors and decreasing ability to drive at night.
Marriage has changed my life. It wasn't a natural choice for me. Then I met BearsFan and my perspective on love turned upside down. Andrew and Erin found each other at 15. All of their stories begin with "we". I enjoyed my very single life. Still, my "we" stories are a nice blessing in my old age.